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We’ve all seen them. The crystalline, no-soundtrack, peaceful yet exhilarating look at what life is like thousands of feet up in the air. We’re gobsmacked, we’re open-mouthed; our jaws are down the floor. We want to touch the screen and move through the puffy white clouds, soaring over the world below. The first question atop all of our minds? “How on earth do they do that?!”

Over the last 25 years, human innovation and human adrenaline alike have pushed the limits. We’ve seen companies like Red Bull, with heart-beating, blood-pulsing commercials showcasing daredevils doing goodness knows what. We’ve seen activities like skydiving and extreme sports become recreational activities that you can sign up for from the comfort of your home. And we’ve seen cinematic value exponentially increase and reach new heights. Literally.

Skysight Aerial Imaging has been along for the ride since day one. We’re a team made up of dreamers, but very specific dreamers. We are dreamers who want to change their dreams, and ultimately your dreams, into reality. And that’s exactly what we’ve done. Where photography used to be one-dimensional and as close to the ground as possible, now it’s thousands of feet up and deceptively realistic. The benefits are two-fold. Introducing Aerial Photography. The outcome is pure art and science, but it’s the capsule of an amazing memory for our customers that we’re so excited about. The indescribable feelings that you associate with space and light so far up into the stratosphere are now just a click away, with the help our team.

We’re no strangers to this industry. Skylight Aerial Imaging has drawn the best in the business, educated and driven and ready to think out-of-the box. We’re award winning across Australia and beyond. We’re familiar with photography, we’re familiar with motion graphics, and we’re familiar with drones. We know how they operate and we know how to optimize their use. But beyond that, we know that there is no crux or pinnacle in the drone industry. So when we’re honing our craft, we’re researching what’s going on in the drone innovation world, in the photography world and how to best combine the two.

So how do we work? Your needs don’t need to fit in a list in our Website. If you want to partner with us, then feel free to reach out here, and we can discuss your needs and how best to meet them. What you can be assured of? At a foundational level, you can bet your dollar that we prioritize operational safety and industry standards. We operate under CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority), for all of our drones and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). Beyond that, we can guarantee communication, creativity and probably a few laughs along the way. We produce our own content-in house and turn it around in a timely manner based on your expectations. No matter what experience or footage that you’re trying to capture, we’re here to assist.

Welcome to Skysight Aerial Imaging. We’re excited that you stopped by and we’re excited to share our vision with you.

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